Garden Room︎︎︎

Type: Pavillion
Location: Lake Forest
Size: 850 SF
Year: 2023

Status: Built

A reinterpretation of the historic  Ragdale Ring that adapts the formal, spatial, and social characteristics of a table surrounded by chairs.

Abstracted and exaggerated proportions confer a sense of theatricality and drama to visitors,  enable multiple scales of interaction, and oscillate between furniture, scenography, and architecture.

A low bench is bisected by a tall, flat plane that acts as an elongated seat-back for the visitor; a tall mast in the Ragdale garden. One side of the seat-back theatrically frames the body of an individual, with a single integrated light glowing above them. The other, longer side of the seat-back can then accommodate three or four guests.



Daniel Garcia
William Smith
Amy Lewin
David Rodriguez
Jason Houck
Kei Tsukamoto
Mele Cruz
Regin Igloria
Stepahnie Scovil
Trent Fredrickson  

Beane Engineering
Tom Harris

Ragdale Ring Competition

© 2021 