Post Post & Beam︎︎︎

Type: Workplace
Location: Raleigh
Size: 270,000 SF
Year: 2020

Post Post & Beam hybridizes digital image-making techniques and structural performance in a high-rise coworking tower.

Cultural production has become fast and easy with the proliferation of digital networks and tiny touch screens. Images are often produced and consumed at 1080 by 1080 pixels, and they have defining characteristics that reveal their origins.

At first glance, the project resembles a generic post & beam tower, but upon closer inspection massive brush-stroke patterns provide structural stability while bringing visual character to lofty interiors.

︎︎︎Typical Coworking Plan

︎︎︎ Typical Studio & Gallery Plan

Sketches from a structural engineer serve as underlays for brushstrokes to arrive at a composition that maintains enough mass in the facade to resist loads without simply indexing the structural responsibility of the Cross-Laminated Timber (CLT) construction system.

© 2021 